Useful Resources

Resources Available

Useful resources from reliable outside sources that you might find helpful. Some of the links are to external content which we have no control over. We have checked the sources and the information is reliable and up to date. 

Understanding Chronic Pain

Eventually all injuries will heal, our bodies are very good at that. So why do so many people suffer with chronic pain? This excellent short video explains our current concepts in chronic pain. It is a very useful tool to begin understanding and dealing with effects chronic pain can have.

The website also has useful tools and resources to help you understand and deal with your pain

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness

Silvercloud and Sleepio

These are two NHS resources that use online CBT.

Silverclound is an online resource to healp around ussues with anxiety. Use the code NHS24 to sign up for the first time.

Sleepio is a CBT based exercise to help with sleep problems and issues around insomnia you will need the first part of your postcode and an email address to sign in for the first time

Managing Pain.

Action For Happiness is a Charity that provides many online resources around mental health pain and self improvement. This video is well articulated and provides some self help guides for managing pain.

Highland Mindfulness.

A Charity based in Inverness with free resources and workshops around mindfulness. These tools can be particularly useful where stress, fear, anxiety, amplify chronic pain. Whilst chronic pain is not all in your head, your brain has the ability to to turn the pain down when you are happy, content with life and relaxed, or turn up the pain "raise the alarm" when you are stressed anxious or fearful.

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AxSpA) "Spade Tool".

This tool is designed for medical professionals. However it is simple for anyone to use, and provides an accurate predictor of risk of Ankylosing Spondylitis (now called AxSpA). AxSpA is a specific type of inflammatory Autoimmune Arthritis characterisied but the ligaments arounfd affected joint fusing together. It is genetically related to Crohn Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Psoriasis. Onset is usually below the age of 45 and is characterised by morning stiffness. Because GP's have historically been reluctant to X-ray younger patients the average time from onset to diagnosis is 8 years. There are excellent treatments fo AxSpA and early diagnosis means a better outcome.

Dizziness (BPPV)

NHS Lanarkshire have an excellent self help website about how to self treat Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). Typically BPPV is when the world spins following sudden changes in position of the head. It is commonly noticed turning over quickly in bed. If the head is held still this spinning will always stop in less than a minute. In severe cases it can be associated with nausea and vomiting. If the self help tools dont work for you, we can go through habituation exercises, or perform Eply's and other corrective manoeuvres in Clinic. These typically have about an 80% success ate.

The Royal Osteoporosis Society.

A fantastic resource for Osteoporosis sufferers including a tool to allow you to determine your risk of Osteoporosis, and whether you need a DEXA scan. It has the most up-to date risks and and give you the knowledge to discuss with your healthcare provider whether you need a DEXA scan.